"In the early hours of June 18, 2012, Dawn, a mother of five beautiful children, while sleeping peacefully in her bed, was brutally, and repeatedly bludgeoned in the head by her estranged husband with a hammer. Upon waking after the attack and calling for her oldest son, her attacker fled on foot and is now at large**. Dawn then embarked on a fight not just for her life but for the lives of all the children in her home. With the strength only a mother can muster, she took her children into her vehicle and drove them all to the hospital, saving not only her life but theirs as well. This morning she underwent brain surgery to fix the damage that had been done to her; damage that astounded ever her surgeon with its brutality. It is no wonder that a woman, who was able to think first of getting her children to safety above her own needs, has since survived surgery. She remains in the ICU in stable conditions, having plates and pins in place to help heal the 8 fractures that her skull received from the hammer. This mother has given everything she could to friends and family over the years, and is always there with an ear to listen or a shoulder to cry on. " - Excerpt from the ChipIn page created to raise funding for Dawn and her childrenLupine Ridge Botanicals is donating a Gift Set to an auction being hosted by Simply Smurfy Crochet, and in addition to other efforts to help raise funding for this family, we have decided to host our very own Fundraiser for this family to help with the hard road they have ahead of them.
We have decided to donate 25% of all sales until the end of June to Dawn and her children. You can place your orders at http://lupine-ridge.com and if you'd like to include a message to Dawn with your order, put it in the Comment box in the checkout and we will forward all messages to her as they are received.
**In the most updated news we have received, the husband has been arrested and charged with attempted murder
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