Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Back In Business 2 for $5 Pre-Order Sale!

The time has come... After more than 3 years without making any soap, I am back in the game.

The last 3 years have been busy and overwhelming, but I'm excited at the prospect of getting back to work making soap along with working my photography business.

Since it has been so long since I have made any soap, my inventory has been completely depleted except for the single batch of Lavender Rosemary Bliss that I made earlier this week, but because I know there are SO many people who were such fans of my soap, I thought this would be the perfect way to relaunch!

So here you have it... Get two bars for $5 of your favorite scent! Bars are usually $3.75 each, with flat rate shipping!

I'll be working on getting my official website back up soon but in the mean time, you can place your orders through the mini order form below... Soaps will be made to order and will be shipped as each type becomes ready for use. You will be updated on the status of your order with each change!